Are you a LBGTQIA+ person in Sydney who is not into the scene? Sydney Quiet Queers is the group for you, with regular quiet meetups, including picnics, crafternoons and social gatherings.
On the first weekend of each month, we have an in person event. These are normally in the city or the inner west and free or low charge.
Every third Saturday we have a crafternoon in Alexandria from 2-5pm. Bring your craft (no hot glue or acrylic paint) and come and have a relaxing afternoon.
Get your tshirts, hoodies and other Quiet Queers merch on our Redbubble store. There are also designs for Quiet Queers outside of Sydney.
Members of Sydney Quiet Queers are encouraged to host events in their local area. These are generally organised in our FaceBook group and will be included in our monthly newsletter.